[ipt_fsqm_utrackback nosubmission=”No submissions yet.” login=”You need to login in order to view your submissions.” show_register=”1″ show_forgot=”1″ formlabel=”Form” filters=”1″ showcategory=”0″ categorylabel=”Category” datelabel=”Date” showscore=”1″ scorelabel=”Score” mscorelabel=”Max” pscorelabel=”%-age” showremarks=”0″ remarkslabel=”Remarks” linklabel=”View” actionlabel=”Action” editlabel=”Edit” avatar=”96″ theme=”material-default” title=”eForm User Portal” logout_r=””]Welcome %NAME%. Below is the list of all submissions you have made.[/ipt_fsqm_utrackback]
SellYourHuawei.co.za is part of the Tech Revival (Pty) Ltd network, that specialises in buy back websites, and the resale of these devices online, via EpicDeals.co.za.
We’ve been buying in online since 2014 and offer a fair and fast way to turn used tech into cash.